February is the month in which Valentine‘s Day, a day dedicated to lovers, falls. Regardless of how it is perceived, it is undeniable that this anniversary continues to be an unstoppable tradition.

This is why physical and online shops, like businesses in other sectors, cannot miss the opportunity to increase their turnover with themed offers and promotions, channelled via Spoki on WhatsApp to reach all potential customers.

With 50 per cent of 13- to 36-year-olds still paying attention to Valentine’s Day promotions offered by brands, it is clear that it is worthwhile for retailers to invest in this event.

In recent years, we have seen an evolution in the meaning of this holiday, which now embraces a broader concept of love, extending to family, friends, self-love and even our pets.

While classic gifts such as flowers, perfumes and jewellery remain popular for 14 February, younger generations are exploring new ways to express their feelings.

This evolution represents an opportunity for retailers and ecommerce owners to stand out in the market and explore new ideas that go beyond traditional heart-shaped chocolates. The important thing is to adopt targeted Valentine’s Day marketing strategies that resonate with this innovative spirit.

Here are some tips for maximising the effectiveness of your Valentine’s Day campaigns on WhatsApp via Spoki:

1. Personalised Gifts and Experiences for Couples

  • Organise a competition or giveaway, encouraging participants to share Valentine’s Day-themed stories or photos. This can increase engagement and visibility, as well as create a sense of community around your brand. Use WhatsApp to collect pictures or other content from your contacts, which you can then broadcast on social media.
  • Implement a progressive discount strategy to send via Spoki: customers will receive bigger discounts on WhatsApp on subsequent purchases or for buying multiple items. For example, you could offer a 10% discount on the first item, 15% on the second, and so on.

2. Competitions, Giveaways and Progressive Discounts

  • Write on WhatsApp to your contacts and offer the option to personalise products for Valentine’s Day. This can include engravings, personalised messages or themed gift wrapping. A personal touch can make your product a favourite option for gifts.
  • For sectors such as tourism, wellness or catering, you may consider creating exclusive experiences for couples, such as romantic dinners, spa packages for two, or day trips. These experiences can be sold as gift packages or special offers, reaching out to contacts via WhatsApp.

3. Themed Collaborations

  • Collaborate with other companies or brands to create joint offers. For example, a beauty ecommerce could collaborate with a chocolate brand to offer a combined gift package. This type of collaboration can open doors to new markets and customers.

4. Don’t forget those who can’t stand ‘romance’

  • Not everyone likes romance, so you can use ironic and somewhat cynical communications on the theme of the moment. Also think about anti-Valentine’s Day offers, give sarcasm a go, without being disrespectful.

5. Think Singles!

  • Although many companies focus primarily on couples and those looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift, many brands are taking the opportunity of this holiday to target the broader singles audience, emphasising a growing trend: self-care, or the art of taking care of oneself, making time for oneself and pampering oneself.


A key to successful marketing is theWhatsApp channel: here the key is to keep communication personal and relevant, avoiding spam or too frequent and pushy messages. A well thought-out strategy on WhatsApp can not only increase sales during Valentine’s Day, but also strengthen the long-term relationship with your customers.

In this respect, you can make use of Spoki’s various features to achieve your goals:

  • Dynamic Fields and Tags: Use Spoki’s dynamic fields and customise your messages. Make sure these messages are direct and relevant, highlighting special offers or products for Valentine’s Day. Get help from artificial intelligence for template creation in Spoki! Customisation can be based on past purchases or preferences expressed by customers, with the creation of contact lists based on tags.
  • Chatbot for Immediate Answers: Implement a WhatsApp chatbot to provide immediate answers to customer questions and suggest Valentine’s Day gifts or offers. This can help guide customers towards a purchase and improve the user experience.
  • Feedback and After-Sales Support with Ticketing: Use the ticketing functionality in Spoki to provide efficient customer service. Don’t forget to collect feedback after the purchase and ask for reviews!
  • These ideas can be customised and adapted according to your target market and the type of products or services you offer. The important thing is to maintain a focus on added value for the customer and a shopping experience that is both unique and memorable.

BONUS. Other Festivals and Events in February

  • 6 -10 February, Sanremo Festival: A traditional event for Italian viewers, to be exploited with ad hoc messages and creativity.
  • 8 February, Shrove Thursday: Carnival begins and can be an opportunity for cheerful and playful communication.
  • 10 February, Chinese New Year: A symbolic date for the Chinese community, but with an echo for the rest of the world. Do you have themed products? Send promos on WhatsApp.
  • 13 February, Shrove Tuesday: On this date, the Carnival period ends. If you have themed discounts, create urgency and tell your customers to hurry up and take advantage of them.
  • 14 February, Valentine’s Day.
  • 14 February, start of Lent: The period leading up to Easter begins on Valentine’s Day in 2024. You can take advantage of this occasion to start proposing offers dedicated to Easter.