The month of June presents an excellent opportunity to increase sales and promote your brand, thanks to the many holidays and world days celebrated during this period.

In this article, we provide you with some innovative ideas for creating WhatsApp messages to send to your customers, making the most of these special occasions. In addition, we introduce you to the Spoki platform, which will help you create successful campaigns on WhatsApp. Below you will find a list of the most important dates and events celebrated during the month of June.

  • June 2: Republic Day
  • June 5: World Bicycle Day and World Environment Day.
  • June 10: UFA Champions League Final
  • June 11: End of schools
  • June 21: Summer Solstice - World Selfie Day
  • June 28: LGBT+ Pride Day

1. Special discount on Made in Italy

For Republic Day, we suggest sending a message celebrating our country. You could use the theme of Italianness to create personalized messages for your customers. For example, you could suggest that they send a message offering a special discount on Made in Italy products.

2. Eco-friendly ideas

On World Bicycle and Environment Day, spread a message that emphasizes the importance of physical activity and sustainability.

One idea is to invite customers to bike to the store to get a discount.

If you have an e-commerce propose offers on items related to the world of two wheels or environmentally friendly products.

3. Selfie Day Contest

To celebrate World Selfie Day, invite your customers to participate in a photo contest highlighting exceptional products purchased in your store. "After purchasing a product in our store, take a creative selfie that includes yourself and the product you purchased. Show how the product makes you happy, inspires you or fits your lifestyle."

The most creative and convincing selfie will win a special prize and will be posted on our social platforms.

4. Packages and discounts for the UEFA Champions League final.

For the UEFA Champions League final, we suggest creating a message that celebrates the sport and the excitement of the moment. You could invite your customers to organize an evening with friends to watch the game, if you are in the catering business sponsor takeaway packages dedicated to the evening, or if you sell sporting goods offer a discount on your products on this special day.

5. Summer sales

Send a message to your customers on WhatsApp to alert them to the upcoming start of the summer sales, offering them a special discount for the first few days.

You can personalize the message to create a sense of urgency and entice customers to visit your store as soon as possible.

For example, "Hello [customer name], we are happy to announce that the summer sales will start soon! And to make you even happier, we have reserved a special discount just for you. Show this message at checkout and receive your xx% discount on our products during the first three days of the sale."

Or, hold a special event for the first day of the sales, perhaps offering an appetizer or promotional gadget to the first customers who show up.

Also, you can send them a reminder message a few days before the event to remind them of the occasion.

For example, "Hi [customer name], we look forward to seeing you at the special event we have organized for the first day of the sales! We will be waiting for you in our store starting at 10:00 am, where we will offer you a delicious appetizer and a promotional gadget. Don't miss it!

In conclusion, as you have seen, June's World Days is a unique opportunity to promote your products and services by sending valuable content to your customers on important occasions.

We are sure these ideas will help you create engaging and original WhatsApp campaigns.

Remember that with Spoki you can easily send massive WhatsApp messages to reach your customers quickly and efficiently.

Keep an eye on our blog, each month we will give you tips and advice on how to make the most of the world days and offer you a good opportunity to communicate with your customers via the WhatsApp channel.

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