
Find answers to all your questions on Spoki

Messages Template

  • What are conversations?

    A conversation is defined as a 24h session starting from when the message was received on the recipient's phone. Within this slot, all messages exchanged will be free.

  • What kind of message can I send with Spoki?

    WhatsApp approves, through Spoki, template messages, which are pre-set examples of messages you can send.

    A few examples. "I confirm your reservation (...)", "Your package has been shipped", "Your reservation code is ...","We will deliver your pizza in 10 minutes", etc.

  • What happens once I send one of the standard messages?

    After receiving a response from the recipient, a 24-hour window opens with your client within which you can send free messages (i.e., without needing approval from WhatsApp)

  • After 24h the chat is deleted?

    Absolutely not. You will be able to review the chat in the chat section directly in the platform

  • Are these standard automated messages?

    You can create your own template messages to submit for WhatsApp approval. Once approved, you can send them to your customers.

  • Is there a limit to the messages I can send?

    Spoki has no limits!

  • Can videos also be sent with Spoki?

    Sure, videos, photos, any media files!

  • Can you also send advertising information?

    Of course!

  • Do you only pay for outgoing conversations?

    No, the conversation is initialized when the message arrives on the customer's phone.
    When, on the other hand, it is the customer who writes to the company, the conversation starts (and therefore the conversation activation cost will have to be supported) when the company responds to the customer's message.

Terms of use

  • Are there any posting limits?

    Yes. At the beginning of using Spoki and thus the WhatsApp Bees, there are structural limits. You will be able to contact a maximum of 1,000 users per day. Past that limit the next step will be 10,000 and then unlimited.

  • How do you cross the line?

    You will automatically be promoted to a higher level based on the volume and quality of messages sent.

  • Where can I see the limit?

    You will be able to view your status in the Status section of WhatsApp in the dashboard.
    WhatsApp Status provides information about the daily sending limits imposed by WhatsApp for each account, based on their past sending volumes and the quality of messages sent.
    Specifically, this section shows: the number of users contacted in the last 24h and the number of users contacted in the last 7gg.

  • If I have a list of contacts (about 5,000) can I send them a message?

    Yes if your WhatsApp Status is above 1000, otherwise only the first 1000 contacts will receive the message.

How it works

  • Is Spoki a chatbot?

    Spoki is your chat assistant that automatically answers questions you set via chat buttons, i.e., predefined messages you receive.

  • How do I integrate it with my eCommerce?

    If your eCommerce was created with WooCommerce, Shopify, Qaplà, Semplisio or Prestashop, the integration will be direct. Otherwise, you will be able to connect it via the Spoki API.

  • If I create an automation on a contact list and add a new contact, will it receive all messages from the first one onward or only those from the moment it is added?

    The contact will receive the last message sent to him. He will not have access to the history

  • Can I stop automation at any time?


  • How many automations can I create?

    As many as you'll need

My contacts

  • Is there a limit to the contacts I can enter?

    No, with Spoki you can enter unlimited contacts.

  • What if I have 3,000 names to whom I want to get my message across?

    You can send your message via one of the templates pre-approved by WhatsApp and present on your Spoki account. The important thing is to check that your WhatsApp status gives you the ability to contact more than 1000 contacts

  • Is it necessary for the recipient to have my contact in their address book?

    No. The recipient will still receive the message even if he or she does not have the number saved in the address book

  • If I have a database of hundreds of contacts, can I send a unique message to all of them at the same time?

    Yes, you can send them the standard message authorized by WhatsApp.

  • Can you import the CSV file or do you have to load all the numbers into the phone?

    A CSV with hundreds or thousands of contacts can be uploaded at once

WhatsApp Business

  • Is it essential to have a WhatsApp Business account to use Spoki?

    The WhatsApp API product works only through the use of software (such as Spoki) and not through traditional WhatsApp apps. Therefore, the phone number you choose to activate on Spoki cannot be used on traditional WhatsApp apps but only on the Spoki platform.

  • I have a WhatsApp Business account linked to the landline number, will it be necessary to make a mobile number?

    You will need to provide a number, fixed or mobile, not linked to another Whatsapp account to activate Spoki.

  • Can I use my number for WhatsApp Business and Spoki

    If you decide to use your WhatsApp number on Spoki you will not be able to use the same number on traditional WhatsApp apps.

  • Can I go back to using WhatsApp Business on the same number I used for Spoki?

    Yes. You can return to using WhatsApp Business on the number provided to activate Spoki

Spoki Activation

  • I am a private individual, can I buy Spoki?

    You must have a VAT number because it is required by the Facebook Business Manager.

  • Is it necessary to have a P. VAT?

    Yes, it is necessary because it is required by the Facebook Business Manager.

  • If I own a single company with several offices in Italy, how many Spoki accounts should I have?

    It is recommended that each office have its own Spoki account. Alternatively, it is possible to initially have one account for all profiles

  • Can it be managed completely from pc?

    Yes, Spoki is 100% PC responsive

  • Does the software need to be on a PC and does it need to be on all the time?

    No, it is not necessary that the PC on which Spoki is on is always on. Spoki performs even with the PC turned off.


  • Does Spoki include integration with Telegram?

    Currently Spoki only integrates WhatsApp being the strongest and best performing platform, but the development team is already working to integrate other platforms such as Telegram.

  • Does Spoki include integration with tools such as ActiveCampaign?

    Yes, webhooks that send pre-approved templates from WhatsApp can be provided within AC funnels. Integration can be done either through webhooks or through the APP CX section.

  • I currently use Mailchimp. Is it possible to replace it with WhatsApp?

    Spoki and MailChimp are two different tools, in that MailChimp sends emails, while Spoki integrates WhatsApp into your marketing strategy.

  • What E-Commerce platforms can I integrate Spoki with?

    You can integrate Spoki with WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify, Prestashop and other platforms.

  • What can I supplement Spoki with?

    Spoki can be integrated with:
    Active Campaign, Zapier, Qapla', WooCommerce, Shopify, HubSpot, Sendinblue, Klaviyo, IEM, Connectif, Zoho Marketing Automation, WPNotif, BrainLead and more.