
How to Make Your Company's Logistics State of the Art with Spoki and Qapla' Integration

The integration between Spoki and Qapla' , a software that simplifies shipping, tracking, and post-shipment marketing management, offers online retailers a powerful solution to elevate logistics efficiency and improve customer communication. By combining Qapla's capabilities in shipment tracking with Spoki's instant messaging capabilities, companies can transform the way they interact with customers and manage delivery operations. Here are the technical and operational benefits of integrating Spoki and Qapla'.


1. Advanced Automation of Shipping Communications.

  • Automatic Customer Notifications

Spoki's integration with Qapla' allows for the automatic sending of customized real-time notifications to customers with each status change in shipping. This includes shipment confirmations, package status updates, and imminent delivery notifications. Notifications can be sent via SMS, email, or other channels supported by Spoki, ensuring that the customer is always informed and reassured about the status of their order.

  • Immediate Responses via Chatbot

Qapla'can provide real-time shipment status details that, when integrated with Spoki, allow chatbots to be configured to automatically answer customers' frequently asked questions about the location of their package. This significantly reduces customer service workload while providing immediate and accurate answers.

2. Personalization and Segmentation of Communications

  • Customization of Messages Based on Shipping Behavior

By leveraging Qapla' tracking data, Spoki can customize messages sent to customers based on specific shipping behaviors or expected delays. For example, if a package is late, Spoki can automatically send a message apologizing for the delay and providing an updated delivery time estimate, thus improving transparency and customer confidence.

  • Promotions and Offers Based on Buying Habits

The integration also enables the sending of promotional offers or discounts tailored to the customer's buying habits and shipping history. This targeted approach not only increases the chances of additional sales but also improves the personalization of the customer experience.

3. Operational Efficiency and Improved Analysis

  • Centralized Shipment Monitoring

With Qapla' managing logistics and Spoki facilitating communication, companies can centralize shipment tracking in a single interface. This provides quick and easy access to all the information needed to manage shipments more efficiently and make informed decisions based on accurate and timely data.

  • Advanced Reporting and Customer Behavior Analysis.

The integration between Spoki and Qapla' also offers advanced analytics and reporting tools, enabling companies to monitor the effectiveness of delivery-related communications and analyze customer behavior. This can include how often notifications are opened, responses to messages, and feedback received, helping to further optimize communication and delivery strategies.

4. Safety and Compliance

  • Secure and Compliant Data Management

By maintaining the security and privacy of customer data, the integration ensures that all communications and tracking information is protected and managed in accordance with current regulations, such as GDPR. This is essential to maintain customer trust and protect the company's reputation.

The integration of Spoki and Qapla' revolutionizes the shipping management and customer communication process for online retailers. With this powerful combination, companies can not only improve logistics efficiency and customer satisfaction, but also personalize and optimize their e-commerce operations in ways that were previously unattainable.


Configuration | Integrating Spoki and WhatsApp with Qapla'

The Spoki platform, through its integration with Qapla' allows for automatic notifications on shipment progress. In particular, it is possible to notify:

  • Order party
  • In Transit
  • On delivery
  • Delivery attempt failed
  • Exception
  • Pickup point
  • Delivered

The service is exclusive to Qapla' customers.

Go to the Integrations menu in Platform and Activate Integration. The Delivery URL and Secret for your account will be created and the automations set by default. All automations will be disabled and you will only be able to activate the ones you are interested in by accessing the specific automation.

Before activating it, check that the template has been approved (in the Template menu), it takes on average 2 hours. If you prefer to customize the message, create a new template using only and exclusively the dynamic fields available in the sample template. You cannot insert additional dynamic fields. When the template is approved, replace the template in the automation and activate it in the upper right corner. The automation will run the first message as soon as it receives information from Qapla'.

To start the first automations follow the following steps HERE.


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