December: use WhatsApp to increase sales during the Christmas holidays

Christmas and the end of the year are just around the corner and we would like to share with you some strategies for leveraging WhatsApp with Spoki in your Christmas communication plan with the aim of boosting sales at a crucial time for all businesses.
The festive season is the ideal time to connect with your customers in a more personal and direct way.
Here are our ideas to make it more productive.

1. Personalise Your Greetings and send them via WhatsApp

Christmas greetings? Send personalised messages to thank your customers for their loyalty, perhaps including a short video greeting or an image celebrating Christmas.

Prepare a special end-of-year message, perhaps with a summary of the year’s highlights or achievements thanks to customer support, to strengthen the bond and show appreciation.

2. Chatbot for Gift Suggestions

Take advantage of Spoki’s chatbot for personalised recommendations: during the festive period, customers often seek inspiration for gifts. Set up a chatbot that, based on customer responses, suggests suitable products or services.

3. Exclusive promotions via WhatsApp

Offer special promotions or limited discounts on this date, communicating them exclusively via WhatsApp. Readership rate up to 98% and customers happy to interact with your brand!

4. Strategy for Saint Lucia (13 December)

Santa Lucia is a particularly heartfelt holiday in some Italian regions, such as Sicily and Lombardy, and is characterised by unique traditions and gift exchanges: propose special offers on typical products or services related to this tradition.

5. Create an Advent Calendar with WhatsApp

The Advent Calendar is a timeless Christmas classic, and you can make it even more special by turning it into a unique digital experience for your customers. Make it even a couple of weeks before Christmas or choose the countdown you prefer. Here are some suggestions:

Daily Promotions: In the run-up to Christmas Eve (two weeks or depending on your strategy), each day represents a new Advent Calendar window. Instead of chocolates, offer your customers an exclusive promotion, tip or content via WhatsApp.

Surprise Content: Vary the daily content between discounts, lightning offers, gift tips, or even small Christmas stories or trivia. The surprise element will keep customers’ interest high.

Previews and New Product Launches: Use certain dates to preview new products or services, making them available only for a limited time or in limited quantities.

Interaction and Engagement: Encourage your customers to interact. You could, for example, invite them to answer a Christmas quiz created with Spoki automations or send a photo with their favourite product, rewarding the most creative or interesting interactions.

Referrals to Your Website or Ecommerce: Use promotions to drive traffic to your website or e-commerce platform, creating a bridge between WhatsApp communication and your online presence.

With these ideas, you can leverage WhatsApp with Spoki to create more direct and engaging communication, enhancing your customers’ experience and strengthening your brand during the Christmas period.

If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Referrals to Your Website or Ecommerce: Use promotions to drive traffic to your website or e-commerce platform, creating a bridge between WhatsApp communication and your online presence.

With these ideas, you can leverage WhatsApp with Spoki to create more direct and engaging communication, enhancing your customers’ experience and strengthening your brand during the Christmas period.

If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us!