How to Start a Conversation on WhatsApp from a Traffic Campaign

Have you ever thought about maximizing the potential of your Facebook Ads traffic campaigns? Today we want to share with you an innovative strategy that will allow you to intercept potential customers on Facebook and move the conversation to WhatsApp, leveraging a series of automations that will guide and support the user along the way.

But why should you consider this combination?

1) Amplified potential customer engagement: By switching from Facebook to WhatsApp, you can establish a more personal and intimate connection with your potential customers. WhatsApp offers a quieter and more focused environment than Facebook, allowing for direct and targeted communication. This results in greater engagement and attention from your prospects, increasing the chances of initiating meaningful conversations and providing them with relevant information.

2)Reduced costs: Lead generation campaigns on Facebook often incur higher costs than other types of campaigns. By leveraging WhatsApp as a channel to engage potential customers, you can reach interested users at a lower cost, thereby optimizing your budget and maximizing your return on investment.

3)Increased conversions: By combining the interception of potential customers on Facebook with communication on WhatsApp, you can achieve a significant increase in conversions. WhatsApp offers the ability to provide relevant information right at the peak of attention on Facebook, creating a fluid path to guide prospects through the acquisition process. This creates a more personalized and engaging experience, increasing the likelihood of turning prospects into actual customers.

Let us see how to implement this strategy.

Tools used:

Facebook Ads: Traffic Campaigns – WhatsApp

1) Creating a Facebook Campaign.

We create a Facebook Ads campaign, targeting traffic and select WhatsApp as the default target.

We add a creative or two. Through eye-catching copy, our goal will be to push users to interact directly with the company on WhatsApp by clicking on the “Chat with Us” CTA. This option will allow potential customers to directly open a conversation on WhatsApp to get more information and personalized assistance.

NB: You can view and test the listing on your device by going to “Share” (currently only available on iOS).

Clicking on the “Chat with Us” button will start a pre-filled conversation on WhatsApp with the text “I saw this content on Facebook…” and a link.

We will use the pre-filled text as a startup step (or trigger) to initiate a second automation.

Campagna Facebook Traffico

2) Creating Automation on Spoki.

We will use Spoki to create an automation that will facilitate the conversation process on WhatsApp. Using the “Customer Message” startup step on Spoki, whenever we receive a message containing exactly the text “I saw this content on Facebook…”, a response automation will be initiated. This response will contain text buttons offering three possible responses. Depending on the response selected by the user, we will be able to provide a series of additional responses via a “ChatBot.” This will allow us to offer an even more personalized and engaging experience, guiding users through the conversation in a targeted way. In addition, we will have the ability to use tags, assign the chat to a specific operator, place the contact on one or more lists, and provide templates with buttons containing links or phone numbers to incentivize further actions by users.

This strategy lends itself very well to the initial stage of the contact acquisition process. At this stage, users are intrigued by the advertisement and ask for more information related to the product/service offered.
It is still an early stage, the user needs more information and insights. Making a chatbot on WhatsApp will allow you to guide the user and provide him with information immediately. You can provide for messages with multimedia content (Video, PDF, catalog) followed by buttons to book a call, or have a preview of the product.

In addition, we can provide for sending a WhatsApp message after one day after opening conversation to remind the user of our offer.

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What about you, do you already use WhatsApp in communication with your customers?
What results have you achieved? Write it down if you like in the comments!

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