Improving the customer experience when shopping with WhatsApp and Spoki: the Case of Mirco Gasparotto


Mirco Gasparotto is a company specialising in selling training courses for entrepreneurs and professionals wishing to improve their professional skills. In a market saturated with communications, the company recognised the need to adopt innovative tools to increase the effectiveness of its communications and improve the customer experience. Spoki proved to be the perfect ally to achieve these goals, enabling the sending of notifications and direct communications via WhatsApp.

Case Study

Before adopting Spoki, Mirco Gasparotto communicated with its customers and prospects via email and SMS, but found little success due to saturation in the training sector. The introduction of Spoki enabled the company to effectively draw customers’ attention and increase the visibility of its communications. In particular, sending transactional notifications via WhatsApp proved to be extremely effective in providing crucial information to customers, such as access credentials to purchased courses.

Original Goals

Mirco Gasparotto’s objective was to ensure that his communications were read as they are crucial in facilitating the customer towards the purchase and its correct use. These moments are crucial for the customer to have a smooth and seamless experience and to judge it positively once concluded.

Implementation and Integration

The implementation of Spoki was quick and easy, allowing Mirco Gasparotto to easily integrate WhatsApp into his communication flow. Thanks to its intuitive interface and advanced functionalities, Spoki made it possible to send targeted and personalised communications, significantly improving customer engagement.

Results Achieved

The adoption of Spoki led to extraordinary results for Mirco Gasparotto:

  • the open rate of communication with Spoki was 90%, compared to 20-25% for email;
  • automated sending of credentials via WhatsApp significantly reduced customer support requests, improving the overall user experience.


Spoki has proven to be an essential tool for improving customer communication and optimising business processes. Its simple integration and versatility make it ideal for any business wishing to implement WhatsApp as a communication channel. Moreover, the support provided by the platform and its ease of use make it a winning choice for any business wishing to maintain direct and effective contact with its customers.

Company: Imprenditore Vero di Mirco Gasparotto

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