How to use WhatsApp Marketing in the education sector

Technology continues to advance every day and with it our habits also change. The way we communicate and the channels used change systematically. These changes affect all businesses that need to communicate with their users.

Today we will see how WhatsApp can be a valid solution to make communication between training companies and users easier and more direct.

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The education and training sector has been marked by a major digital transformation in recent years. In addition to the growing popularity of online education (such as degree courses or training courses), the pandemic has given a strong acceleration to this digitisation process.

We think of online courses, webinars, digital classrooms as tools that were already used in pre-pandemic times but which with the pandemic and soon after have become part of everyday life. Today’s users are used to having access to myriads of information, courses and more. The modern user, in just a few clicks, can sign up for a course and follow it.

We see how training has also accelerated. On-demand courses are becoming more and more frequent to give the user the possibility of taking any course at any time.

Despite this growing need for speed, there are still many businesses that choose to use e-mail as a standard communication channel with their students, forgetting one fundamental requirement: speed.

Today, one channel that can be used to establish fast and instant communication with one’s customers is definitely WhatsApp.

Data also show us that message recipients prefer WhatsApp to e-mails, as only 20% of recipients open and read the content of an e-mail compared to the 100% WhatsApp open rate.

Moreover, WhatsApp has the features that the new generations in particular are looking for in their communication:

  • Direct
  • One to one
  • Customised
  • Effective

These features make WhatsApp the ideal channel for communicating with new users of online and offline courses.

Among the tools WhatsApp offers its users, the most complete and performing service is certainly the WhatsApp Cloud API, a version designed for companies that need tools to automate and scale their processes.

Why should a company operating in the education sector use the WhatsApp Cloud API instead of a WhatsApp Business account?

Vediamo insieme quali sono i vantaggi di WhatsApp Cloud API rispetto WhatsApp Business.

Integration with other tools

It is possible to integrate WhatsApp with tools used for automation marketing, CRM or CMS. In this way, integrated communication can be realised that interacts with the user according to their customer journey.

Creating, scheduling and sending campaigns

It is possible to create a campaign on WhatsApp and send a message to tens, hundreds or thousands of contacts in one go with the certainty that the message will be received by everyone, even by contacts who have not saved the number in their address book.

ChatBots and chat automations

People who need to buy a course have a lot of questions. Customer care operators, using WhatsApp business, should use the app every other time. The risk, of course, is not being able to give prompt replies to customers or, worse still, losing enquiries in the myriads of open chats.

Through platforms integrating the Cloud WhatApp API, it is possible to create a chatbot capable of automatically replying to chats and guiding users to the solution through a series of reset responses.

Automated Reminders

Course start reminders can be sent in a fully automated manner. In this way, all participants will receive the notification a few minutes before the start of the lesson in order to maximise participation rates.

Sending multimedia content

Catalogues, media files, videos and much more can be included in the WhatsApp message so that the course material is always under control.

Want to find out more? Book a free call with our consultants!

Let us now look at the advantages of using the WhatsApp channel for training activities

1. Greater visibility of content and offers

Through this service, it is ensured that all customers receive the message. Furthermore, if we combine Facebook sponsorships with a conversation platform operating on WhatsApp such as Spoki, it is possible to intercept the user on social and initiate an automatic conversation with him on WhatsApp.

2. Increased customer satisfaction

By integrating WhatsApp API with Spoki, you can integrate the channel with your marketing or funnel marketing tools. In this way, you can send valuable content at the exact moment when customers request it, increasing customer satisfaction and communication effectiveness.

3. Easy and efficient communication

Once the automations are set up, all communication will go off on its own. You can set up automations that send a remainder at the beginning of the course with login credentials (the main reason why many users do not attend courses). Or you can provide for the sending of a post-course evaluation questionnaire.

4. Optimising Customer Care Resources

Through Spoki it is possible to converge all the chats you have with your customers into a single platform. You can manage customers, create lists, use tags and notes to keep track of customer needs. In addition, it is possible to create automations for confirmation of purchase, remainder or assistance in order to lighten the human effort of Customer Care.

5. Higher open, click and conversion rates

The data speak for themselves: WhatsApp is the first conversation platform used in Italy. Many users prefer to exchange relevant information on WhatsApp than via email, thus rewarding the immediacy of communication.

Communicating with one’s customers on their favourite channel becomes an element of success for all those realities that meet the needs of their customers.

This results in increased message opening, interaction and conversion rates.

To summarise

WhatsApp is the most used channel in the world and the younger generation uses it daily to communicate with friends and family.

And not only that: WhatsApp is an excellent channel to use in the education sector due to its speed and immediacy. By using the channel through specialised platforms such as Spoki, it is possible to get only the best out of the channel and offer customers a high-performance and effective service.

Spoki is the Italian conversation platform that uses WhatsApp’s official APIs and makes it possible to integrate the channel into the company’s strategy. Through Spoki it is possible to integrate WhatsApp with business tools, CRM and CMS and thus create integrated, omnichannel communication.

Integrate WhatsApp into your communication, register now on the platform and test all its features for free!